Thursday, 29 October 2015

A Flight of Swallows supports our new Artist Centre

The swallows that twist and turn around Cove Park during the summer months are on their journey south for the winter. A few swallows, of the porcelain variety, however do remain.

Designed and hand cast by ceramicist and former resident Dawn Youll the unique edition of swallows are available for sale with proceeds going towards the Artist Centre. Find out more about purchasing a single or pair of swallows and how you can feature on our 'A Flight of Swallows' wall in recognition of your support on the Cove Park website here.

A pair of swallows taking flight south to Manchester to a Cove Park supporter 
We look forward to welcoming the swallows back to Cove Park next year and see them sweep and weave around the new Artist Centre.   

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Cove Park landscape open day

Friday 9 October 2015 saw a great turnout for our consultation with our local community about ways in which we can develop and improve access to our spectacular 50 acre site. Proposals include the planting of a native woodland, a poly tunnel for growing fruit and vegetables and developing links with our neighbouring woodlands: Peaton Hill Community Nature Reserve and Peaton Glen Wood. 

Community woodland specialists Gordon Gray Stephens and Will Self took representatives from key organisations in our local area on a walk round the site and canvassed their ideas and opinions.

With Cove Park's new Artist Centre due to open in April 2016, the opportunity will exist for all kinds of workshops, masterclasses and other creative activities to be offered to local communities and beyond. Our intention with the site plans is to complement the opportunities afforded by the new building. Opportunities for volunteering, school gardening and environmental projects, John Muir Award activities, environmental art and local heritage studies were all discussed. 

Following the open day, Will Self is now producing an interim report which will then be made available to those who were there, and those who could not make it on the day for further comment.

If you have any ideas about how to develop and improve access to our site, we would love to hear them! Please email Polly Clark on

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Keeping an eye on progress

Marvellous! We have two time lapse cameras recording the construction of the Artist Centre. Site Manager Jamie hopes to hand over some footage to us in the next couple of weeks which we will share with you here. Please return.